Tag Archives: realtor

4 SEO Trends to Make You More Findable Online

If more real estate customers are looking online nowadays, how can you ensure they will find you? Forbes.com recently highlighted some of the following top search engine optimization trends for marketers to pay attention, including: 1. Optimize for multiple screens: Marketers would be wise to pay attention to optimization for multi-screen and smartphone and tablet use. […]

Apps ALL Realtors should have on their phones!

Looking for the best iPhone apps to help you sell more homes? If you’re a realtor or a broker, your iPhone in an invaluable tool that can not only help keep you organized, but help you do your job better. Everything from apps that help you track activity on your listed properties to ones that make client […]

How to Build a Real Estate Empire From the Ground Up!

    Real estate is a great business, not just because it can create enough income to allow people to quit their job or retire early, but because it can make you rich. How can you go from nothing to a multimillionaire with real estate? The First Step to Building an Empire is Deciding the […]

3 reasons sellers need a Realtor to price their home

There are dozens of Internet sites out there that reveal how much your home is worth. They are called “automated valuation model” (AVM) sites, which use statistical modeling techniques that calculate the property value by comparing it with similar-sized homes that have recently sold in your area. These tools crunch their data with publicly available […]

Continued Growth Predicted for U.S. Housing Market

As the summer winds down, typically, so does the housing market. But the first readings from August, which came in this week, point to continued growth in housing demand as the year progresses. On the manufacturing front, Markit’s U.S. manufacturing index grew in August to 57.9 based on strength in new orders in exports and […]