Category Archives: Agent Marketing

Luxury Properties Sell Better With a Single Property Website

  Buying or selling your luxury dream home, doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated these days. The internet has made it possible to put property for sale without the use of real estate agents. It makes the whole process much more cost effective and saves valuable time for sellers, as well as for buyers. […]

Advertise Your Property’s Website with a Sign Rider

  Let potential buyers know that you have real estate for sale with a very distinct sign rider. It will have the address of your property’s website. This will make it very easy for passers-by to have a quick look at your real estate online, while passing it on the street. Using a sign rider […]

Spielberg wants real estate “liars” for new movie?

Recently came across this article on Real Estate Weekly about Steven Spielberg wanting to produce a film based on a new book called, ” The Liars Ball”. Interesting article. Mel Brooks as Harry Macklowe in a Steven Spielberg blockbuster about the titans of New York real estate? Jeff Daniels as Donald Trump? Brad Pritt playing […]

Top 10 Benefits Of Real Estate Text Marketing

Real Estate Text Marketing Today’s real estate agent needs to have a strong mobile presence, which includes a mobile friendly website complete with property listings and mobile photo galleries. But you also need to reach out to people to either get them to your site, or engage with them once they do. Showing real estate […]

4 SEO Trends to Make You More Findable Online

If more real estate customers are looking online nowadays, how can you ensure they will find you? recently highlighted some of the following top search engine optimization trends for marketers to pay attention, including: 1. Optimize for multiple screens: Marketers would be wise to pay attention to optimization for multi-screen and smartphone and tablet use. […]