Moving from one house to another can be a very hectic time. As most people will probably move to a new house just a couple of times in their whole life, it can be hard to oversee the whole process. We’ve listed some things for you to think about so the transition will be a smooth one.
Two months before moving
To keep the whole moving operation as organised as possible, it’s a good idea to have all of the documentation and receipts in a binder. This makes it easier to keep track of everything, during and after the move. By keeping record of all the items that will be moved and by listing all of the costs, you can see if everything is going according to schedule.
At this time it’s also a good thing to inform people around you that you’re going to be moving. You will also have to inform the electricity, phone, gas, post, cable, water and internet companies so you won’t be charged with the bills for the new owner.
Furthermore, insurance providers and banks will want to know your new address, as well as anything else you’re subscribed to. Your friends and family would like to know your new address and the date of your move so keep them updated too.
This is also the time to be looking for a reliable moving company. You will want to take your time for this so you can compare companies. Once you’ve narrowed down a few good moving companies, invite them for a thorough onsite estimate. This estimate should always be included with an USDOT number.
One month before moving
As the moving date is getting closer now, it’s time to accumulate some boxes. This doesn’t have to be expensive as many supermarkets or pharmacies will happily provide you with boxes for free. It’s best to get a lot of them because most of the time you’ll need more then you’ll think.
Start packing the boxes a few weeks ahead so you have a good amount of time to label them all. Make sure that you group boxes together, keeping in mind the room these items should be placed in. Don’t forget to write a short description on the label of what’s in the box and in which room it should be put.
During and right before moving
During the moving days, a lot of the things you need will be in a box. Therefor it’s good to have one or two separate boxes that contain items you’ll need during these days. Good examples of such items are drinks, toiletries, a toolbox, food or snacks.
It would also be wise to have each member of the family pack their own suitcase. This would primarily be filled with some clothes to get through the moving days.
Now that the moving is just a few days away it’s a good time to defrost the freezer. If you hired a moving company to move your stuff, watch them unload it so you will know when items are missing or get damaged.
Happy Moving!